Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Karthik Ramasubramanian, Martin L Roth, Raul Rangel.
Jon Murphy has posted comments on this change by Jon Murphy. ( )
Change subject: util/crossgcc: Add libstdcxx target ......................................................................
Patch Set 14:
(1 comment)
My patch adds 39 lines, so that's not really a fair comment. […]
I completely agree that targeted development that can't be used by others shouldn't be added here. This is a simple feature that can be used by anyone.
Having Google engaged in the maintenance and development of the toolchain helps the community. Forcing Google to fork the toolchain means you'll lose the support that the community is already getting.
The coreboot toolchain is Google's firmware toolchain build standard. If we're not able to add features we need, we will have to come up with alternatives(Again, to be clear, I'm not advocating for or suggesting that we have carte blanche to add whatever we like. The changes should be within reason and benefit the community). If you don't want this change, we can abandon it.
We'll maintain a patch internally for now. There has already been push back on not using the coreboot toolchain internally, and I was doing what I could to make sure we stayed aligned with and supported the upstream community. Long term we'll likely fork internally or abandon the toolchain if maintaining a delta or being blocked becomes to burdensome.