Bao Zheng has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: (WIP)amdfwtool: Take a config file instead of command line parameters ......................................................................
Patch Set 58:
(1 comment)
Patch Set 56: -Code-Review
I did a timeless build (make BUILD_TIMELESS=1 -j 8) for one mainboard of each soc/southbridge that uses amdfwtool and it resulted in identical images for the following platforms:
- picasso: amd/mandolin
- merlinfalcon: amd/padmelon
- prariefalcon: amd/padmelon
- avalon: pcengines/apu2
- bolton/kern: no mainboard in tree, so I couldn't test
- hudson: asus/f2a85-m
- yangtze: asrock/imb-a180
but resulted in different binaries on the following platform:
- stoneyridge: amd/gardenia
So this patch does change the resulting coreboot.rom for stoneyridge, which shouldn't be the case File src/soc/amd/stoneyridge/ PS56, Line 160: ###18- Check for SMU firmware2 named either *.sbin or *.csbin : ### TODO: Remove *.sbin section after the blobs repo is updated. : SMUFIRMWARE2_FILE=$(top)/$(FIRMWARE_LOCATE)/SmuFirmware2_prod_$(FIRMWARE_TYPE).csbin : SMUFIRMWARE2_FN_FILE=$(top)/$(FIRMWARE_LOCATE)/SmuFirmware2_prod_$(FIRMWARE_TYPE)_FN.csbin : ifeq ("$(wildcard $(SMUFIRMWARE2_FILE))","") : SMUFIRMWARE2_FILE=$(top)/$(FIRMWARE_LOCATE)/SmuFirmware2_prod_$(FIRMWARE_TYPE).sbin : SMUFIRMWARE2_FN_FILE=$(top)/$(FIRMWARE_LOCATE)/SmuFirmware2_prod_$(FIRMWARE_TYPE)_FN.sbin : endif : : ifeq ("$(wildcard $(SMUFWM_FN_FILE))","") : SMUFWM_FN_FILE= : SMUFIRMWARE2_FN_FILE= : endif
this should probably stay in here, since it's not only used for the amdfwtool call, but also to put […]
Done. Need further work to get the smu2 file from the config file.