Attention is currently required from: Martin L Roth, Michał Kotyla, Paul Menzel.
Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: util/ectool/Makefile: improve cross-compilation support ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File util/ectool/Makefile: PS1, Line 3: CC ?= gcc
More description added to the commit message
It's common practice to honor the environment variables. IIRC, GNU even recommends to reserve all-caps variables for user-overridable things.
File util/ectool/Makefile: PS2, Line 12: LDFLAGS ?= -lioperm This doesn't seem like good practice. `ioperm` is needed. Why should the environment know that `ectool` needs it?
It's probably better to use separate variables for the environment, defaults and necessary flags. The CFLAGS above for instance just provide a default, but nothing that is required, nothing `ectool` specific. The `-l` flags, however, seem necessary.