Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Paul Menzel, Angel Pons. Michael Büchler has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/acer/g43t-am3: Add documentation ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
File Documentation/mainboard/acer/ PS2, Line 105: `-c MX25L1605D/MX25L1608D/MX25L1673E` and `-c MX25L1605` should work.
Hmmm, the block erasers defined in flashrom for these chips are incompatible: opcode 0x20 erases 64 […]
Oh interesting, so with `MX25L1605`, flashrom wrongly assumes that 64 KiB get erased when it issues a 0x20 command. Thanks for checking this. PS2, Line 108: flashrom -p internal -r backup.rom
Huh, I would've expected the ME region to be unreadable internally. […]
I'm pretty sure I haven't, but I found the board in a dumpster so it might very well be that somebody before me did. The relevant fields in the Flash Descriptor are all 0xff.. suspicious?!
I'll rewrite that section to warn about this..
Actually I think flashrom always gave a note that `The Flash Descriptor Override Strap-Pin is set`. Should I leave it like this? PS2, Line 120: There : seems to be a diode that prevents you from powering the whole board with : your external programmer.
I typically avoid using 2nd person (you, your) when writing documentation. […]