Attention is currently required from: Bao Zheng, Julius Werner, Marshall Dawson, Zheng Bao, ritul guru.
Felix Held has posted comments on this change by Bao Zheng. ( )
Change subject: amdfwtool: Set address mode as relative table ......................................................................
Patch Set 8:
Commit Message: : PS8, Line 12: the entry address mode is not set. That is not correct. maybe i misread the code, but isn't the entry address mode set accordingly if the table address mode is set to relative table both before and after? looking at the spec, only the proper handling of the case of relative slot seems to be missing, since it says that this attribute will be ignored when the directory's address mode isn't 2 (AMD_ADDR_REL_TAB) or 3 (AMD_ADDR_REL_SLOT)
File util/amdfwtool/amdfwtool.c: : PS8, Line 388: AMD_ADDR_REL_BIOS shouldn't this be AMD_ADDR_REL_SLOT (which is 3) instead of AMD_ADDR_REL_BIOS (which is 1)?