Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin, Jarried Lin.
Yu-Ping Wu has posted comments on this change by Jarried Lin. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/rauru: Add EC suspend pin initial setting ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
Commit Message: : PS3, Line 7: mb/google/rauru: Add EC suspend pin initial setting : : Set the EC suspend pin to output high.
Please revise the commit message. And the purpose of the setting.
In particular, why do we not need this for previous SoCs such as geralt?
File src/mainboard/google/rauru/chromeos.c: : PS3, Line 22: gpio_output(GPIO_EC_SUSPEND_PIN, 1); In ATF plat/mediatek/drivers/spm/mt8196/mt_spm_suspend.c, we set the GPIO mode and direction for `EC_SUSPEND_BK_PIN`. Should we do the same for `EC_SUSPEND_PIN` in ATF instead of (or in addition to) here for consistency?
File src/mainboard/google/rauru/gpio.h: : PS3, Line 8: _OD Not related to this patch, but what's `_OD`? The name on the schematics is `BEEP_ON`. Could you upload a separate patch to fix this?