Attention is currently required from: Furquan Shaikh, Subrata Banik, Patrick Rudolph, EricR Lai. Hello build bot (Jenkins), Furquan Shaikh, Tim Wawrzynczak, Subrata Banik, Patrick Rudolph,
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#3).
Change subject: soc/intel/common: Move L1_substates_control to pcie_rp.h ......................................................................
soc/intel/common: Move L1_substates_control to pcie_rp.h
L1_substates_control is common define. Move out of soc level.
Signed-off-by: Eric Lai Change-Id: I54574b606985e82d00beb1a61cce3097580366a4 --- M src/soc/intel/alderlake/chip.h M src/soc/intel/common/block/include/intelblocks/pcie_rp.h M src/soc/intel/elkhartlake/chip.h M src/soc/intel/jasperlake/chip.h M src/soc/intel/tigerlake/chip.h 5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/95/49295/3