Attention is currently required from: Raul Rangel, Paul Menzel, Julius Werner. Jakub Czapiga has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: include/timestamp: Add timestamp_start/end() macro for timestamps ranges ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
This obfuscates the actual timestamp enum value. […]
Right, I didn't think about this. Thanks for noticing that.
I'm... […]
I aimed to make the timestamps API more encouraging to create timestamp ranges instead of using arbitrary timestamps like: TS_CBMEM_POST, which are very hard to estimate, how long they took.
Do you see any other way to encourage people to this?
I'm working on the tool for generating flame-charts based on available timestamps, and current situation is really frustrating, because it requires manual matching or "predictions" on when and how long something was happening.