Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin, Jarried Lin, Yu-Ping Wu.
Yidi Lin has posted comments on this change by Jarried Lin. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/rauru: Add GPIO_AP_SUSPEND_L initial setting ......................................................................
Patch Set 5:
Commit Message: : PS5, Line 7: Add GPIO_AP_SUSPEND_L initial setting Notify EC that AP is in SO : PS5, Line 8: : The GPIO_AP_SUSPEND_L pin is used for communication between the AP and : EC to confirm the AP's status. When the AP is running normally, it : should be high, and when the AP is in sleep mode, it should be low. This : way, the EC will know that the system is in sleep mode. Therefore, : during the initial boot phase, the GPIO_AP_SUSPEND_L pin needs to be : initialized to output high. GPIO_AP_SUSPEND_L supposes to be high in S0, and low in S3. EC uses this pin to determine AP power state. This pin should be set as early as possible in bootblock.