Attention is currently required from: Matt DeVillier, Angel Pons, Michael Niewöhner. Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: gfx gma skylake: Implement some workarounds ......................................................................
Patch Set 7: Code-Review+2
Commit Message: PS7, Line 11: workarounds, the system no longer locks up after running gfx_test. Please describe the full sequence that leads to a hang. Was i915 involved in any way? Also, did you test if low-power states work when booting with coreboot+libgfxinit w/o these WAs but i915 disabled?
PS7: Thanks for boiling it down to 2 WAs.
File common/skylake/hw-gfx-gma-power_and_clocks.adb: PS7, Line 359: 1 * 2 ** 13 i915 calls it MASK_WAKEMEM