Attention is currently required from: Johnny Lin, Ed Sharma, Martin Roth.
Hello build bot (Jenkins), Jonathan Zhang, Johnny Lin, Martin Roth,
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#3).
Change subject: commonlib/fsp_relocate: Fix Coverity Issues ......................................................................
commonlib/fsp_relocate: Fix Coverity Issues
Recently committed change 1df1cf9 resulted in some Coverity reported issues. This change attempts to fix the static analysis issues reported. The issues were reported as comments in [CB:66819]. I have looked at all Coverity fixes before my change using git log --oneline | grep -i coverity and then detailed git diffs for all coverity changes. However none of them had the same coverity errors reported as were reported for my changes. I do not have the manner to run coverity on my own to test my changes against coverity tests.
TESTED= This code is tested with Intel CooperLake-SP FSP version for DeltaLake boot
Signed-off-by: Eddie Sharma Change-Id: I635c62929e8be9a474a91a62c29c3b5ee9b0ee64 --- M src/commonlib/fsp_relocate.c 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/37/68637/3