Attention is currently required from: Felix Held, Fred Reitberger, Jason Glenesk, Marshall Dawson, Matt DeVillier.
Jérémy Compostella has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/amd/common: use common physical address bit reservation code ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
(1 comment)
File src/soc/amd/common/block/cpu/noncar/cpu.c: : PS2, Line 45: else
just tried removing the else to see how the code looks after that and at least for me that makes les […]
This is not a blocker to me, I just noticed it so I posted the comment, feel free to do whatever you like. In addition I am sure there are some people here who may disagree with me. Below is how I would personally write it and then the coding style principles behind it. Note that coding style can be a bit personal so this is just my opinion backed up by a lot of experience though.
``` if (!(rdmsr(SYSCFG_MSR).raw & SYSCFG_MSR_SMEE)) return 0;
1. Break the code early if there is nothing to do. - It helps to see from the beginning what are the "rejection" cases - It keeps the main case and code non-indented => easier to read 2. I separated the loading of the data. It helps to differentiate the function calls (loading) and the decoding of the data. It also helps to have a potentially nicer indentation as it uses two lines instead of one. 3. I did not use any parenthesis as the C operators precedence of both `&` and `>>` is Left-to-Right and I don't think they would bring more clarity.