Attention is currently required from: Aarya, Anastasia Klimchuk, Peter Marheine.
Bill XIE has posted comments on this change by Bill XIE. ( )
Change subject: erasure_layout: Erase larger block only when all sub-block need erase ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
(1 comment)
For this patch, it's just the default? Which you also both agree that "safe", or 100%, should be default?
Yes, let's add that option later.
Someone might preferred that "quick" mode, and now boom it would be going away.
What users of flashrom prefer most should always be programming the chip correctly, rather than frying their precious chip "quickly". We should realize that every erase reduces the lifetime of a flash chip, so never toy erase operation, which should be avoided as much as possible.
Never impose a default that fries our precious chip soldered onboard "quickly" to us rational flashrom users, please.
Besides, erase operations remain optimized when all sub-blocks of a block need erase.