Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk.
Angel Pons has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: README: Add information about meson and link build instructions ......................................................................
Patch Set 1: Code-Review+1
File README: PS1, Line 49: Flashrom nit: `flashrom` should not capitalised. if the idea of starting a sentence without capitalising the first letter of the first word is too painful, we can easily work around this problem with a slight rephrasing:
It is possible to build flashrom using make or meson. PS1, Line 51: although not exactly : all of them. Full meson support is on the roadmap in the nearest future. Hmmm, if meson support isn't full-featured yet, should we explicitly suggest using make whenever possible, at least for now? We've had issues with distro packagers building flashrom v1.2 with meson: there were some bugs that resulted in the version string remaining empty (so logs wouldn't contain the flashrom version anymore) and the `-o` option not working (because of standalone mode, see CB:42230 for the fix).
We're aware of the OBSWG (One Build System Working Group) and the long-term plan to drop make in favor of meson. We would then update the README accordingly. PS1, Line 54: /Documentation/ Should we convert the README into a and turn this into a link? Doesn't have to be done in this patch.