Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk.
Patch set 1:Code-Review +1
Patch Set #1, Line 49: Flashrom
nit: `flashrom` should not capitalised. if the idea of starting a sentence without capitalising the first letter of the first word is too painful, we can easily work around this problem with a slight rephrasing:
It is possible to build flashrom using make or meson.
although not exactly
all of them. Full meson support is on the roadmap in the nearest future.
Hmmm, if meson support isn't full-featured yet, should we explicitly suggest using make whenever possible, at least for now? We've had issues with distro packagers building flashrom v1.2 with meson: there were some bugs that resulted in the version string remaining empty (so logs wouldn't contain the flashrom version anymore) and the `-o` option not working (because of standalone mode, see CB:42230 for the fix).
We're aware of the OBSWG (One Build System Working Group) and the long-term plan to drop make in favor of meson. We would then update the README accordingly.
Patch Set #1, Line 54: /Documentation/
Should we convert the README into a and turn this into a link? Doesn't have to be done in this patch.
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