Attention is currently required from: Simon Buhrow, Nico Huber, Thomas Heijligen, Paul Menzel, Aarya.
Edward O'Callaghan has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashrom.c:Add function to get a flattened view of the chip erase blocks ......................................................................
Patch Set 54:
Commit Message: PS54, Line 11: So after use all the layouts as well as : the list itself should be freed. The free_erase_layout function does : that. this part should be documented above the function in a Doxygen style comment. is a example of Doxygen style comments.
File erasure_layout.c: PS54, Line 24: int `unsigned int` PS54, Line 34: create_erase_layout The O-time complexity of this function seems extremely large for something that says it just creates a layout? Can you add some Doxygen comments above the function and punctuate the function with some comments inside to allow for understanding the phases your algorithm is taking here please? PS54, Line 55: ( trivial: `e (` PS54, Line 64: ) : { trivial: `) {` and `if (!ptr)` is canonical. PS54, Line 71: chipoff_t start_addr = 0; does this belong to the outer block_count loop? should it be reset when the inner loop finishes for the next iteration of the outer loop? PS54, Line 72: chipoff_t end_addr = 0; delete and also don't unnecessarily initialise variables as you obscure compiler warnings. PS54, Line 74: block_num < block_count since `block_num` is initialised to zero above doesn't this predicate become `0 < block_count` and the block_count never decrements so this is a infinite loop? PS54, Line 79: e Keep minimal scope to variables so declare here, `chipoff_t end_addr = start_addr + block->size - 1;`