Attention is currently required from: Simon Buhrow, Nico Huber, Thomas Heijligen, Paul Menzel, Aarya.
Commit Message:
So after use all the layouts as well as
the list itself should be freed. The free_erase_layout function does
this part should be documented above the function in a Doxygen style comment. is a example of Doxygen style comments.
File erasure_layout.c:
`unsigned int`
Patch Set #54, Line 34: create_erase_layout
The O-time complexity of this function seems extremely large for something that says it just creates a layout? Can you add some Doxygen comments above the function and punctuate the function with some comments inside to allow for understanding the phases your algorithm is taking here please?
trivial: `e (`
trivial: `) {` and `if (!ptr)` is canonical.
Patch Set #54, Line 71: chipoff_t start_addr = 0;
does this belong to the outer block_count loop? should it be reset when the inner loop finishes for the next iteration of the outer loop?
Patch Set #54, Line 72: chipoff_t end_addr = 0;
delete and also don't unnecessarily initialise variables as you obscure compiler warnings.
Patch Set #54, Line 74: block_num < block_count
since `block_num` is initialised to zero above doesn't this predicate become `0 < block_count` and the block_count never decrements so this is a infinite loop?
Keep minimal scope to variables so declare here,
`chipoff_t end_addr = start_addr + block->size - 1;`
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