Attention is currently required from: Joseph Goh.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashchips: add support for MX25V16066/KH25V16066 ......................................................................
Patch Set 2: Code-Review+1
PS2: Thanks Joseph! You need to add a comment about model id (see my comment below) and that should be it.
File flashchips.c: : PS2, Line 8772: MACRONIX_MX25L1605
Nope, it is 0x2015 since the RDID command is used (probe_spi_rdid, see page 20).
Thanks for explaining! I agree.
Why I was initially confused is that ID MACRONIX_MX25L1605 from another chip is used. You need to add a comment to include/flashchips.h that this id also serves MX25V16066 (there are lots comments like this as examples). : PS2, Line 8802: 2700
yep, 2.3V-2.7V works, but at a slower speed. […]
I see, thanks!