Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Anton Samsonov, Peter Marheine, Thomas Heijligen.
Anton Samsonov has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Makefile, Add support for Sphinx versions prior to 4.x ......................................................................
Patch Set 6:
Commit Message: : PS3, Line 7: 3
Oh I see! Maybe you can rename the title as […]
File doc/ : PS5, Line 8: "$@"
`$@` means all the command-line parameters, but the parameters needed for this invocation are starting from $5 and until the end?
Yes, `$@` means all the parameters [that are still left]. The script's self path, (denoted by 'sphinx_wrapper' in, is `$0`. Then there are 2 additional parameters we capture as 'OUTPUT_HOME' and 'MAN_OUTPUTS' in the script, and then `sphinx-build` full path (denoted by 'sphinx' in, — all 3 are cut from `$@` by `shift 3`, so that only arguments for `sphinx-build` are left. : PS5, Line 14:
I know this info is in commit message…
I thought this was self-explanatory from `[ "${SPHINXBUILD_MAJOR}" -ge 4 ]`, but you are right in that there is no such thing as a over-commenting. OK, I'll add it a bit later.