Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber. Nikolai Artemiev has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: [RFC] writeprotect: implement wp_{get,set}_range() ......................................................................
Patch Set 6:
(1 comment)
I guess a separate tool that handles only block protection (or write > protection or flash configuration in general) would be much easier to maintain.
I think you mean building a separate binary from common sources right? Splitting off an entirely separate project would be a lot of extra work, especially when read/write/erase operations need some of the same functionality (i.e. disabling block protection).
I'm fine with building a separate binary, though I think we would need to be careful about how we partition the functionality to avoid feature duplication.
I would much prefer to only call libflashrom functions from any CLI code.
I agree, I definitely want to move the writeprotect interface into libflashrom. I thought it would be easier to call the functions directly for now, but it shouldn't take too much work to squash writeprotect.h into libflashrom.h.