Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Thomas Heijligen, Aarya.
Edward O'Callaghan has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashrom.c: Add switch for legacy impl of erasure path ......................................................................
Patch Set 13:
File flashrom.c: PS12, Line 37: use_legacy_erase_path
`use_legacy_erase_path` is not modified anywhere. […]
You _could_ add it as a build flag however this is easy enough to toggle with a one-line commit too. I believe Thomas is catching up on email however he could perhaps help advise with working towards making the new algorithm the default.
My suggestion once you have your work landed on HEAD is to send a email to the mailing list/IRC channel and try to engage some folks to help with testing. The other part is to try and build up the portfolio of unit-test coverage around this new algorithm that instrument the fundamental data structures and procedures mapped over them at play here. Furthermore the unit-tests will help mature not just the functional code quality but also the code structure.