Attention is currently required from: Thomas Heijligen, Alexander Goncharov.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: atavia: Use a atavia_offset locally to determin offset ......................................................................
Patch Set 1: Code-Review+1
Commit Message: PS1, Line 7: Use a atavia_offset locally to determin offset I think this should be more specific:
`Always initialise atavia_offset from programmer param`
And the below, in commit description you can add more clarification like
`Remove custom atavia_map function and detect the value of atavia_offset from programmer param. This means to use atavia_offset directly <and the the rest of your description>`
File atavia.c: PS1, Line 58: try and error trial and error PS1, Line 57: /* The atavia_offset is some kind of magic to get the driver working. : * You can find the correct value in the documentation or by try and error. : */ I think you need to add new line:
/* * comment */ PS1, Line 140: char *arg = extract_programmer_param_str(cfg, "offset"); It seems like offset should be a required parameter now? I don't think the default offset 0 would ever work?