Attention is currently required from: Thomas Heijligen, Aarya.
Simon Buhrow has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: TEST_ERASE_ALGO: A list of test cases (patch not to be merged) ......................................................................
Patch Set 61:
(1 comment)
PS61: Successfully tested on real HW:
[x] Full chip write from one random data to another random data * CMD: ./flashrom -p ft2232_spi:type=2232H,port=A -w random_8MB_02.bin ./flashrom -p ft2232_spi:type=2232H,port=A -w random_8MB_01.bin * Date: 24.10.2022 - commit: dd1949c * Comments: Successful. Chip: IS25LP064; t_diff with VM setup: -8:30 min
- [x] Partial chip erase on regions with unaligned adresses * CMD: ./flashrom -p ft2232_spi:type=2232H,port=A -E --layout layout_64Mb -i 64kB_almost_sixth_unaligned * Date: 24.10.2022 - commit: dd1949c * Comments: Successful. Chip: IS25LP064, layout_64Mb: 00060010 - 00070010 64kB_almost_sixth_unaligned
- [x] Partial chip write on regions with unaligned region * CMD: ./flashrom -p ft2232_spi:type=2232H,port=A -w random_8MB_01.bin --layout layout_64Mb -i 64kB_almost_sixth_unaligned * Date: 24.10.2022 - commit: dd1949c * Comments: Successful. Chip: IS25LP064, layout_64Mb: 00060010 - 00070010 64kB_almost_sixth_unaligned