Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons. Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: tests: Add run_probe_lifecycle and add dummyflasher probe test ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File tests/lifecycle.c: PS1, Line 53: printf("Testing flashrom_flash_probe for programmer=%s, chip=%s ... \n", prog->name, chip_name); : assert_int_equal(0, flashrom_flash_probe(&flashctx, flashprog, chip_name)); : printf("... flashrom_flash_probe for programmer=%s successful\n", prog->name);
technically this block is the real meaning of the test and the rest is mostly almost exact the same […]
I like your idea! Please have a look at my attempt to implement it :) PS1, Line 68: "bus=spi,emulate=W25Q128FV", "W25Q128.V"
this is changing the behavior of the test in a rename commit.
This is not a rename commit, but you are right, behavior is changing because it's a different test now (it's a new probe test). However on the second thought I realised there is no reason to delete existing test, so I returned it back. Now dummy is officially The Most Tested Programmer! Given that programmer params differ, two dummy tests are not a duplication. So all good (I think).