Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ENE EDI - add dummy read to ensure proper detection of ENE chips ......................................................................
Patch Set 3: -Code-Review
(2 comments) Commit Message: PS3, Line 7: ENE EDI - add dummy read to ensure proper detection of ENE chips
Is that the regular way to prefix commits in flashrom? […]
Yep, "edi: " as the file is named and then start in upper-case. It would also help with the line length (usual limit in git is 50 or 55 chars, iirc). File edi.c: PS3, Line 166: static void edi_wakeup(struct flashctx *flash)
Nico, I don't really agree here (sorry for the delay in replying): this is really not about waking u […]
No, worries. I also thought about inlining it into edi_probe_kb9012(). That's probably the best. Otherwise, we'd have to keep making names up, edi_draw_attention()?