Attention is currently required from: Thomas Heijligen, Angel Pons. Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: hwaccess: move x86 port I/O related code into own files ......................................................................
Patch Set 5:
(1 comment)
File atahpt.c: PS5, Line 21: #include "hwaccess.h" Just noticed, there are some programmers that shouldn't need the old include anymore. This gets visible when one looks at the dependencies at the end of the chain. But we can also just test:
$ for c in $(git grep -l include\ "hwaccess_x86_io); do o=$(echo $c | sed 's/.c/.o/'); sed -i -e '/#include "hwaccess.h"/d' $c; make $o &>/dev/null && echo $c; git checkout $c &>/dev/null; done amd_imc.c atahpt.c atavia.c hwaccess_x86_io.c it85spi.c nic3com.c nicnatsemi.c nicrealtek.c rayer_spi.c
I've also noticed that many calls to rget_io_perms() looks spurious. But that's for another day ;)