Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan. Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: tests/realtek_mst: Allow test to check multiple paths ......................................................................
Patch Set 7:
Commit Message: PS7, Line 7: Allow test to check multiple paths Add support for checking multiple open paths ? PS7, Line 9: While working on writing file-based locking for flashrom : it was observed that the realtek_mst unit-test does not : check subsequent paths from the io_mock state tracker. : : Add infrasture into the realtek_mst unit-test to allow : for subsequent path validation. This seems very similar to the description in linux_spi. If linux_spi description is updated (I added comment in CB:62319), then this one will just need to say that it adds support for XXX for realtek unit test.
File tests/init_shutdown.c: PS7, Line 342: REALTEK_MST_MOCK_FD I know it was like this before, but since you are introducing a mock fd in CB:62319 , can we use the same mock fd? Whether it will be existing NON_ZERO or new thing, can it be the same for linux_spi and for realtek? PS7, Line 373: data Same comment as for linux_spi, can this be renamed to realtek_io_state?