Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Anastasia Klimchuk. Angel Pons has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: dediprog: Init-shutdown test for dediprog ......................................................................
Patch Set 3: Code-Review+1
Commit Message: PS3, Line 9: This patch adds mocks for libusb functions. To avoid dependency on I expect that some of the code could be reused to test other libusb programmers. Would it make sense to have libusb mocks in a separate compilation unit?
File tests/init_shutdown.c: PS3, Line 98: /* dediprog_cmds CMD_READ_PROG_INFO */ Hmmm, how about making a patch that moves the dediprog definitions the tests need into a header?
File tests/tests.c: PS3, Line 140: 2021 Is this magic number the current year? Or does it have another meaning?