Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Peter Marheine.
Dmitry Zhadinets has posted comments on this change by Dmitry Zhadinets. ( )
Change subject: libflashrom: Update the API for Logger Callback ......................................................................
Patch Set 6:
File include/libflashrom.h: : PS4, Line 83: *
I was trying to find it, but I couldn't, but then I found the addition at `flashrom_set_progress_cal […]
It was not me. the man in the middle :) sorry. fixed
File libflashrom.c: : PS4, Line 59: /* Dynamic messages and double formatting may not be ideal, : as they are slow. It would be better to limit the message : size to a fixed value (e.g., char message[1024] = {0};). */
I found one very long message in cli_classic. […]
File libflashrom.c: : PS6, Line 84: if (!log_callback && global_log_callback == format_message_and_invoke_log_callback_v2) : global_log_callback = NULL;
I spent some time looking at this, then I figured this is doing a reset (when log_callback is passed […]
Great review helps finding bugs. This is the case. Thx Looks like I had a bad day. The logic of this condition was to reset log callback v2 only in the case if it was installed by set_v2 op We have following logic. Better with examples set_log_cb(cb_v1) /* will set v1 cb and replace v2 if it was set */ set_log_cb_v2(cb_v2) /* set v2 cb and replace v1 */ set_log_cb(NULL) /* reset everything */ set_log_cb_v2(NULL) /* reset v2 cb only. because it should not affect previous API behavior */ The public API must be reliable even if the usage is crazy. This why I wanted to add tests with a mix of both versions of set_log_cb... The corner cases: 1: set_log_cb_v2(cb_v2) /* set using v2 */ set_log_cb(NULL) /* reset using v1 */ it was working 2: set_log_cb(cb_v1) /* set using v1 */ set_log_cb_v2(NULL) /* reset using v2 */ it was an issue. set_v2 did reset of cb_v2 but installed inner cb and replaced v1 My initial implementation was like you suggested. But then I thought my v2 should affect v1 behavior In your implementation set_v1/v2(NULL) will always reset everything In my one we will have following set_log_cb(cb_v1) /* set using v1 */ set_log_cb_v2(NULL) /* will do nothing cb_v1 will continue working */ So I will implement as you will say. Let's see one more round