Attention is currently required from: attila-v.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change by attila-v. ( )
Change subject: Add more delay time for jlink power on feature to stabilize the LDO and the decoupling capacitors ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
PS2: Hello Atilla, thank you for the patch! I added few comments (below).
About `-1` from a buildbot: I can see you updated commit message and it now has sign-off line, so all good. The only thing is, build does not re-run when only commit message is changed. The usual workaround is to rebase the patch and upload new patchset, this triggers the re-run of the buildbot.
Commit Message: : PS2, Line 7: Add more delay time for jlink power on feature to stabilize the LDO and the decoupling capacitors We wrap lines in commit message by 72 chars (see here
Which means, you need limit first line (commit title) as 72 chars, but then you can write longer commit description, you can write multiple paragraphs, just wrap them by 72 chars.
I understand that you wanted to provide some details and that's why this line is long, and this is a very good idea to provide details and context. Please keep all that, and you can add more details - just re-write so that you have title as first line and then longer description. Thanks!
File jlink_spi.c: : PS2, Line 469: internal_sleep(100000); I have a question: is this longer delay needed unconditionally (always, for any environment), or only for some environments?