Attention is currently required from: Subrata Banik, Angel Pons. Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ichspi: Define `Write Enable Type (WET)` register under HSFC ......................................................................
Patch Set 6:
(1 comment)
File ichspi.c: PS6, Line 91: /* New HSFC Control bit */
If you have doubts that the bit was introduced with PCH100, you can always test the hardware.
Do we have any action item here regarding the open comment or we are good here ?
If you think the code should be changed because the bit existed earlier, you should confirm that by testing the bit on respective hardware. If it didn't exist earlier, there is nothing to change, I suppose.
If we have this bit defined for PCH100 onwards then should renamed it with `PCH100_` prefix, else we can drop these macros as remain unused.
Yes, renaming makes sense. It probably wasn't renamed for compatibility with the pprint_reg() macro. We should really try to fix that macro.