Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Subrata Banik, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons. Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ichspi: Define `Write Enable Type (WET)` register under HSFC ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
Commit Message: PS3, Line 13: brya What chipset brya has? It would be useful to have this info in commit message.
PS3: This change should not change the binary, is it right? (please tell me if I am wrong)
You can build the binary before and after the patch and verify there are no diffs
make clean && make CONFIG_EVERYTHING=yes VERSION=none` diff binary_before binary_after
File ichspi.c: PS3, Line 83: /* New HSFC Control bit */ This comment should be moved too?