Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashchips: Add Macronix MX25U51245G ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
(3 comments) Commit Message: PS2, Line 14: the later means I : have tested 4-byte addressing Only if you verified the result with another programmer... in theory, if flashrom did the same addressing error for reading and writing, your test would also succeed. So actually, to test it one would have to write and verify random data across the complete chip. But we never set any rules how much testing is enough, it seems. File flashchips.c: PS2, Line 8572: 512B datasheet says 8kb (4kb factory, 4kb customer) PS2, Line 8579: { : .eraseblocks = { {4 * 1024, 16384} }, : .block_erase = spi_block_erase_20, : }, { : .eraseblocks = { {32 * 1024, 2048} }, : .block_erase = spi_block_erase_52, : }, { : .eraseblocks = { {64 * 1024, 1024} }, : .block_erase = spi_block_erase_d8, : } Please list the native 4BA versions too: 21 5c dc