Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Thomas Heijligen.
Shreeyash has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: stlinkv3_spi: Bug fix, Initialize uninitialized pointers ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
(1 comment)
File stlinkv3_spi.c: PS1, Line 501: stlinkv3_handle = usb_dev_get_by_vid_pid_serial(usb_ctx,
Sorry, this has gone under. […]
I think both the issues have been 'fixed'. It would be better to NULL-Initialize stlinkv3_handle atleast to eradicate static analysis warnings, else more patches dealing with the same issue will pop up. I see that there has been some change with extract_programmer_param_str function and the variables that store its return value. This must be from a patch introduced somewhere else (and the cause of merge conflict?).
What do I have to do now?