Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Matti Finder.
Peter Marheine has posted comments on this change by Matti Finder. ( )
Change subject: cli_classic: Add rpmc command support ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
File cli_classic.c: : PS2, Line 159: printf(".\n\nYou can specify one of -h, -R, -L, "
Do you think the way I extended it is ok. Otherwise I think the message would get too long. […]
Yeah, that seems good. It's clear from how we put those in their own section what options the RPMC commands are.
File cli_classic.c: : PS3, Line 165: ", the RPMC commands" "a RPMC command" since specifying more than one in a single invocation is an error.