Attention is currently required from: Eric Park, Nikolai Artemiev, Stefan Reinauer.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change by Eric Park. ( )
Change subject: flashchips: Add XMC25QH64A ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
PS4: Eric, thank you for the patch! I added a few comments.
Also wanted to ask , have you tested yourself? I can see that PR was tested, although that was a few years ago.
Commit Message: : PS4, Line 7: XMC25QH64A Let's be exact so that it's searchable, call it `XMC XM25QH64A` : PS4, Line 18: Signed-off-by: Eric Park Add yourself too as Co-authored-by (keep the sign off line too)
File flashchips/xmc.c: : PS4, Line 251: .name = "XM25QH64A", I would put this entry just before XM25QH128A in this file too (same as their ids are ordered), would you do this? thank you!
File include/flashchips.h: : PS4, Line 1085: #define XMC_ID 0x20 /* same as ST_ID */ : #define XMC_XM25QH256B 0x6019 : #define XMC_XM25QH128B 0x6018 : #define XMC_XM25QH64A 0x7017 : #define XMC_XM25QH64B 0x6017 : #define XMC_XM25QH32B 0x4016 /* 0x6016 for QPI mode */ : #define XMC_XM25QH16B 0x4015 : #define XMC_XM25QH80B 0x4014 : #define XMC_XM25QH40B 0x4013 : #define XMC_XM25QU256B 0x7019 : #define XMC_XM25QU128B 0x5018 : #define XMC_XM25QU64A 0x3817 : #define XMC_XM25QU64B 0x5017 : #define XMC_XM25QU40B 0x5013 : #define XMC_XM25QU20B 0x5012 I know it was like this in the original pull request, but we don't need to do the aliasing.
So you need to add only one line, for the device you are adding, this line: #define XMC_XM25QH64A 0x7017
insert it just before the existing macro for XMC_XM25QH128A with ID 0x7018
The rest of this block just remove.