Attention is currently required from: Georg Gottleuber, Nikolai Artemiev, Stefan Reinauer.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change by Georg Gottleuber. ( )
Change subject: flashchips.c: Add support for XM25RU256C ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
I have personally asked for the datasheet, but I don't know if it is okay to publish it. […]
Sorry for delay in replying, I was thinking about your patch on the background. I usually ask for datasheet to check the values, but after all, you (the contributor) are the person who has the chip and running flashrom on it, so you did the actual testing, not me. The trickiest part of chip definition is write-protect bits, but you are not adding that support anyway.
I think we can go ahead with the patch, I only have one small comment about indentation.
If you double-check the values with datasheet, that would be really nice! Also if there were some of the fields that you were not entirely sure what to put there, please tell me.
Thank you!
File flashchips.c: : PS2, Line 21729: | FEATURE_4BA_EAR_C5C8 | FEATURE_4BA_READ | FEATURE_4BA_FAST_READ : | FEATURE_4BA_WRITE, Sorry I didn't notice last time: please intend these two lines so that they align with the first feature line (align with FEATURE_WRSR_WREN). We keep all the values on the right-side of `=` signs, it's easier to read.