Attention is currently required from: Simon Buhrow, Nico Huber, Aarya, Anastasia Klimchuk.
Edward O'Callaghan has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashrom.c: Add wrapper function to use the erase algorithm ......................................................................
Patch Set 78:
Commit Message: PS78, Line 6: : flashrom.c: Add wrapper function to use the erase algorithm : : Add a function to call the erase algorithm. commit message is unrelated to content.
File flashrom.c: PS72, Line 1349: static int erase_by_layout
It would be my view to more your whole implementation into its own separate file. […]
If it is easier to not have your work sitting in review forever and you want to put everything initially in flashrom.c I would suggest the following pattern for the minimal amount of reshuffling for you:
i) Create some trampoline functions that will dispatch into your algorithm and a few if branches to jump to them. Use a static bool global `use_legacy_erase_path = true;` and branch off that. ii) Adding all the new functions in one go atomically without the need for the prototypes hacks. iii) Have a small commit that toggles `use_legacy_erase_path` from `true->false`.
So for step (i), for this function in another commit rename it as `erase_by_layout_legacy()` and call it with:
``` static int erase_by_layout(struct flashctx *const flashctx) { if (use_legacy_erase_path) return erase_by_layout_legacy(flashctx); } ```
Subsequently for step (ii) you can do:
``` static int erase_by_layout(struct flashctx *const flashctx) { if (use_legacy_erase_path) return erase_by_layout_legacy(flashctx);
return erase_by_layout_optimised(flashctx); } ```
File flashrom.c: PS78, Line 720: <= len what is happening here? Seems like its own change but not what the commit says "add wrapping function". PS78, Line 1374: size_t `const uint32_t`, A `size_t` is a a system specific type. PS78, Line 1378: int const PS78, Line 1382: curcontents == NULL || newcontents == NULL `!ptr` is canonical. Also `erase_layout` never checked. PS78, Line 1422: write_by_layout in a separate commit before this one, rename as `write_by_layout_legacy()` and,
``` static int write_by_layout(struct flashctx *const flashctx, uint8_t *const curcontents, const uint8_t *const newcontents) { if (use_legacy_erase_path) return write_by_layout_legacy(flashctx, curcontents, newcontents); } ```
then you can put your new implementation in the above in this commit. PS78, Line 1425: const struct flashrom_layout *const flash_layout = get_layout(flashctx); : const struct romentry *entry = NULL; : struct erase_layout *erase_layout = create_erase_layout(flashctx); move below `erasefn_count` and `ret` PS78, Line 1427: erase_layout check for nullarity? PS78, Line 1428: int `const`