Attention is currently required from: Evan Benn, Hsuan-ting Chen.
Edward O'Callaghan has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashrom_tester: Fix partial_lock_test on libflashrom ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
(1 comment)
File util/flashrom_tester/flashrom/src/ : PS2, Line 185: fn set_default_flags(&self) -> () { : self.flashrom : .borrow_mut() : .flag_set(FlashromFlag::FlashromFlagForce, false); : self.flashrom : .borrow_mut() : .flag_set(FlashromFlag::FlashromFlagForceBoardmismatch, false); : self.flashrom : .borrow_mut() : .flag_set(FlashromFlag::FlashromFlagVerifyAfterWrite, true); : self.flashrom : .borrow_mut() : .flag_set(FlashromFlag::FlashromFlagVerifyWholeChip, true); : } You probably mean to be using the `Default` trait for the `FlashromFlag` type? Since `enum`'s are uni-dimensional values you will want a phantom struct type for the Flag's in use that is the union of multiple enum values and implement Default for that.