Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan, Anastasia Klimchuk.
Alexander Goncharov has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: dummyflasher: use new API to register shutdown function ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
File dummyflasher.c: PS2, Line 79: uint8_t refs_cnt;
Can you add a comment on this: to explain that dummyflasher can register multiple masters and they a […]
Done PS2, Line 1416: data->refs_cnt += ((dummy_buses_supported & BUS_PROG) != BUS_NONE); : data->refs_cnt += ((dummy_buses_supported & BUS_NONSPI) != BUS_NONE); : data->refs_cnt += ((dummy_buses_supported & BUS_SPI) != BUS_NONE); : : #if 0 : data->refs_cnt += (dummy_buses_supported & BUS_PROG) ? 1 : 0; : data->refs_cnt += (dummy_buses_supported & BUS_NONSPI) ? 1 : 0; : data->refs_cnt += (dummy_buses_supported & BUS_SPI) ? 1 : 0; : #endif
Another thing could be to add `&& !ret` to every condition. […]
Your last idea is exactly what we need. Thank you! Here we go :)