Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan, Jes Klinke, Nikolai Artemiev, Thomas Heijligen.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: raiden: Support target index with generic REQ_ENABLE ......................................................................
Patch Set 5: Code-Review+1
I have added a few more cases to the test. […]
Yes, existing test is running `run_basic_lifecycle` which expects the lifecycle to run successfully.
There is another method in our test framework, which tests initialisation error (invalid value for programmer param for example). This is `run_init_error_path` here
If you would like to add a test to verify that init fails with invalid value of param, you can use run_init_error_path for that. I suspect `raiden_debug_io` would not need that many mocks, maybe even no mocks at all: if init fails early those mocks are never called.
File doc/classic_cli_manpage.rst: : PS4, Line 873:
I have attempted to merge your suggested paragraph into the existing documentation.
Looks really good
File doc/classic_cli_manpage.rst: : PS5, Line 871: trailing whitespace
Otherwise the text is very good!
File tests/raiden_debug_spi.c: : PS5, Line 112: : snprintf(raiden_debug_param, sizeof(raiden_debug_param), : "address=%d,target=AP", USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS); : run_basic_lifecycle(state, &raiden_debug_io, &programmer_raiden_debug_spi, raiden_debug_param); : : snprintf(raiden_debug_param, sizeof(raiden_debug_param), : "address=%d,target=ec", USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS); : run_basic_lifecycle(state, &raiden_debug_io, &programmer_raiden_debug_spi, raiden_debug_param); : : snprintf(raiden_debug_param, sizeof(raiden_debug_param), : "address=%d,target=0", USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS); : run_basic_lifecycle(state, &raiden_debug_io, &programmer_raiden_debug_spi, raiden_debug_param); : : snprintf(raiden_debug_param, sizeof(raiden_debug_param), : "address=%d,target=1", USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS); : run_basic_lifecycle(state, &raiden_debug_io, &programmer_raiden_debug_spi, raiden_debug_param); This is great, thank you so much for adding test coverage!
The only thing: let's make each test case a separate test. Which means, initial test case stays in `raiden_debug_basic_lifecycle_test_success` function, and the other 4 you add into their own test functions.
I don't mind long names for test functions, so you can name them for example: raiden_debug_targetAP_basic_lifecycle_test_success raiden_debug_targetEC_basic_lifecycle_test_success raiden_debug_target0_basic_lifecycle_test_success raiden_debug_target1_basic_lifecycle_test_success
The definitions of `raiden_debug_fallback_open_state` and `raiden_debug_io` at the beginning of each function you can just copy-paste.
Then you need to add 4 new functions into: tests/tests.c tests/tests.h and at the bottom of this file add SKIP_TEST macro.
And that should be it!