Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons. Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: dediprog: Init-shutdown test for dediprog ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
File tests/init_shutdown.c: PS2, Line 108: /* Manual voltage setting */
It does more than that. Probably doesn't need a comment.
Done (comment removed)
File tests/io_mock.h: PS2, Line 52: */
You could also declare it above. […]
Done, it works! but I'm not sure I understand how it works... magic? :) I thought I understand why void* worked - because any pointer can be casted to void*, and real function with some pointer was replaced with wrap function with void*. But now there is an entirely new type, which happens to have the same symbol as the old one? and they can replace each other?
File tests/tests.c: PS2, Line 91: void __wrap_test_outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) : { : /* LOG_ME; */ : if (current_io && current_io->outb) : current_io->outb(current_io->state, value, port); : } : : unsigned char __wrap_test_inb(unsigned short port) : { : /* LOG_ME; */ : if (current_io && current_io->inb) : return current_io->inb(current_io->state, port); : return 0; : } : : void __wrap_test_outw(unsigned short value, unsigned short port) : { : /* LOG_ME; */ : if (current_io && current_io->outw) : current_io->outw(current_io->state, value, port); : } : : unsigned short __wrap_test_inw(unsigned short port) : { : /* LOG_ME; */ : if (current_io && current_io->inw) : return current_io->inw(current_io->state, port); : return 0; : } : : void __wrap_test_outl(unsigned int value, unsigned short port) : { : /* LOG_ME; */ : if (current_io && current_io->outl) : current_io->outl(current_io->state, value, port); : } : : unsigned int __wrap_test_inl(unsigned short port) : {
this style fix that sneaked in here is a separate patch
Done CB:55974