Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Michał Żygowski, Paul Menzel, Michael Niewöhner, Sergii Dmytruk. Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ite_ecfw: Implement support for flashing ITE ECs found on TUXEDO laptops ......................................................................
Patch Set 29:
(1 comment)
File ite_ecfw.c: PS29, Line 411: }
Yes, correct. […]
I trust you that we need to do this. The thing is, we need to ensure flashrom actually does it. ;) Normally, there is no order enforced of the blocks to be written. But in case of `write_mode == 0` this function must be called with the last block last (and it mustn't be skipped) and before that it must be called with the first block (so we know the first KiB). Currently this happens by coincidence because the whole flash is erased, the way the core flashrom code is written, we expect that the last block of the contents to be flashed are not empty, and we expect that the changes in contents need an erase. We could leave comments everywhere about this (still with the risk that it breaks because of changes somewhere else). Or we could try to find a way to make it work by definition. A hunch tells me that the write granularity could help there.