Attention is currently required from: Peter Marheine.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change by Peter Marheine. ( )
Change subject: doc: autogenerate a list of authors ......................................................................
Patch Set 5:
PS5: Adding a comment so that not to forget: the hard-coded list of authors on the bottom of the manpage is not needed anymore, we can add a link to this page instead (something like, The full list of authors and reviewers is here: <link>)
File doc/about_flashrom/hall_of_fame.rst: : PS5, Line 1: This page lists all past contributors to Flashrom. Specifically, it lists : everybody who is named in the git history as having authored, co-authored, : or reviewed at least one change in alphabetical order. Two comments here, not to forget
1) title of the document is missing (Hall of Fame) 2) The three intro texts I composed, one intro for everything and a little intros for every section :)