Attention is currently required from: Miklós Márton, Alexander Goncharov.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ni845x_spi: refactor singleton states into reentrant pattern ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
(1 comment)
I tried test it (managed to put togeter a Windows image with the proper mingw, etc. […]
Yes, I remember that thread on the mailing list, I responded into the thread but let's talk here as well, there could be more nuances for Windows.
sphinx-build dependency is optional, and at the moment it is optional when you build with meson. It is unintentionally not optional when you build with make, but this is a bug, will be fixed.
My understanding you can't build ni845 with meson (not yet!) so we have to use make. In this case, Thomas suggested a solution (on the thread)
comment out Makefile line 1035 'FLASHROM_VERSION=$(VERSION) $(SPHINXBUILD) -b man doc .'
I hope it will work for you! As a long term end result, we plan to have everything building with meson, and delete makefile. Only in this order: first everything is building with meson, after that delete makefile.
please tell how it goes! thank you so much!