Attention is currently required from: Michał Żygowski, Paul Menzel. Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Add Tiger Lake U Premium support ......................................................................
Patch Set 11:
PS11: Sorry, meant to comment this earlier. I guess if we don't touch `enum chipbustype` now, it's ready?
File chipset_enable.c: PS3, Line 659: { "eSPI", BUS_LPC | BUS_FWH } }; […]
I would simply put `{ "eSPI", 0 }` here. "eSPI" is what the datasheet says, so why shouldn't flashrom print it. There is nothing we want to do right now wrt. the return value in this case, hence the `0`.
This way, we wouldn't have to touch `enum chipbustype` and could avoid any implications there.