Attention is currently required from: Patrick Rudolph. Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashchips: Fix W25Q256.W ......................................................................
Patch Set 2: Code-Review-1
(1 comment)
PS2: Sorry, I could not figure out from the history why there is a wildcard `.` in the name. It seems the original patch was tested with a JW. But there was a thread on the mailing list
"Do you have support for W25Q128FW and W25Q256.W?"
where a Winbond employee suggested that an FW once existed. It seems possible that it did not support the full command set, just like the FV version (if that is true at all and not an error in the datasheet).
Without further details, we'd have to split the flashchips entry into FW and JW. Otherwise, we'd risk a regression for the former. Only getting hands on a 256FW sample could clear this up :-/