Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Anastasia Klimchuk. Subrata Banik has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ichspi: Add support for Ice Lake ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
Commit Message: PS1, Line 7: ichspi: Add support for Ice Lake
Technically, it's already supported. Why do we need to do more than changing the PCI ID?
Apart from adding PCH DID (instead of SPI DID), i don't see ICL support is added, compared to some recent work being done with CB:62783, CB:62282 and CB:62251 for other Intel chipsets.
File chipset_enable.c: PS1, Line 2149: 0x34a4
Is the SPI device guaranteed not to be hidden on Ice Lake?
yes, SPI controller is visible on ICL. FAS doesn't specifies any restriction of hiding the SPI controller.