Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk.
Alexander Goncharov has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ch341a_spi: Refactor singleton states into reentrant pattern ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
File ch341a_spi.c: PS3, Line 80: struct libusb_transfer *transfer_out; : struct libusb_transfer *transfer_ins[USB_IN_TRANSFERS]; : : /* Accumulate delays to be plucked between CS deassertion and CS assertions. */ : unsigned int stored_delay_us; : : struct libusb_device_handle *handle;
Will default values for these be the same as before? […]
Yes, they will. Memory in ch341a_spi_data is allocated at the beginning of initialization using `calloc()`, so it will be 0s/NULLs. PS3, Line 461: msg_pwarn("Cannot detach the existing USB driver. Claiming the interface may fail. %s\n", : libusb_error_name(ret));
Is this an error branch? It should `goto free_data` then. […]
This is warn branch. So, no need to do something