if you are using an sf100 with a firmware version between 2.1.1 and 5.1.2 (non-inclusive), I would like to know from you if flashrom version r1649 or newer works for you or not. Probing for a chip (even if there is none attached) suffices as a test. Apparently earlier versions do not support setting the spi clock rate, but we always do that (since r1649) and fail programmer initialization on those versions. I try to find out which versions support setting the speed.
BTW did anybody try to contact dediprog and request any information that would help flashrom to support their programmers better?
I would also like to know if any dediprog sf300 or sf600 users are reading this and would like to see support for it in flashrom.
I have an SF100 with V4.1.1 firmware. Trial runs using r1648 and r1672 are here: http://paste.flashrom.org/view.php?id=1632
On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 6:57 AM, Stefan Tauner < stefan.tauner@student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
I remembered DediProg Software have "Firmware AutoUpdate" in Help Menu.have you tried it ? Thanks! FredXwang > Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 15:57:39 +0200
On Fri, 3 May 2013 00:56:41 +0000 wx fred_xw@hotmail.com wrote:
I remembered DediProg Software have "Firmware AutoUpdate" in Help Menu.have you tried it ?
I don't have a Dediprog device (or a Windows installation) but google tells me that firmware autoupdate is only available for EM100 not the SF series. For the SF devices one needs to send a request to dediprog to provide the images AFAICS. In any case I am not interested in getting one device to work, but in fixing flashrom to make it work even with old firmware versions :)